Friday, 26 June 2015

All Smiles


Even though you took away my world, my life - I've never felt hatred towards you... until that night...

...that moment, the first and only time we met, by accident. Remember that night, dear? From afar, I could see that you even tried to avoid me by attempting to hide but you knew it was already too late for that, LOL! Still, I managed to smile at you... I even reached out to shake your hand... and I even wished the two of you well. Those things I did were genuine even though I was being overwhelmed by the awkwardness of the situation. It all happened so quickly... but before we turned our backs on each other, I felt the need to look at your face, into your eyes one last time as I embraced my defeat... hoping to see even just the slightest trace of guilt, of shame... Then I had goosebumps... because there was none.

Right then and there, I saw your cold, empty eyes. Your stale face revealed the real you. And that made me realize that you don't really give a damn about me and my feelings... and you don't feel sorry about ruining my family. Your eyes showed me a glimpse of your ugly soul. It's such a shame he didn't see your true self sooner. For sure he wouldn't have sacrificed our family if he did. As we parted ways, I felt very disgusted, and that's when my hatred for you was born.

I went home that night with mixed emotions and a grin on my face knowing that even if I don't do anything to sabotage you, sooner or later I shall have again what you once took from me. For months, I waited patiently in hell. Alone.. and in pain.. but I kept my silence. I tried hard to keep things to myself. But just because I was quiet doesn't mean I've forgiven you. Besides, not even once did you ever apologize to me anyway, right? And why would you? I'm guessing you have a firm belief that you've never done me wrong.

One thing only a few know about me is that I have a vindictive soul. But they also know that I have a lazy body to go with it, haha! So aren't you just lucky that although I know your workplace and where you live, I never showed up to confront you even if I could? You know that, right?

After sooo long, because I'm such a nice person, all I ever did was describe you accurately and create a hashtag that's dedicated to you, HEHE! In reality, I was indeed taunting you and dissing you. I know it was an intellectually shallow form of revenge, but I chose to do that to match your level of understanding... just to make sure you get it.. and I was successful wasn't I? You ended up getting offended by that and I expected you to at least show me what you got. Instead, you started portraying the role of a helpless cyber-bullied victim.

In return, others reacted and started attacking me in defense of you. I was confused at first because as far as I know, it was you who cheated on your boyfriend, had an affair with my live-in partner which resulted to wrecking my family, and then cheating on him again to be with your EX... but somehow I was the one tagged as the bad guy?! Because of what? For calling you names? Wow. Such hypocrites. Come on! Like they've never insulted anyone in their entire lifetime? Their timelines were often filled with prayers, bible verses and they religiously post inspirational quotes that somehow constantly contradict themselves. Moreover, dig deeper into each comments section and you will also see them bashing/insulting others and gossiping about unnamed individuals. They were quick to point out how evil I am for dissing you but don't they know that gossiping is also a major sin? Still, it really amazes me that I keep finding their noses on my business.

But what surprised me was the fact that half of these people had nothing good to say regarding you before. You should hear the negative stuff they had to say about you and the worst adjectives they used to describe you. Ewww, it kinda makes me sick that they could say all those things behind your back yet they're now hanging out with you! Are they suffering from amnesia or something? On the other hand, the remaining half of these hypocrites are somewhat entertaining because they are more aggressive in sharing their opinions about me even though they don't know me at all! And why the hell are they so affected? It wasn't them I attacked... I never did them wrong and I don't give a shit about them because I actually don't know them. So... why are they the ones reacting in the most violent way? Haha!

Well, here's my message to you all: If you all think I'm a bitch and all of you are perfect then congratulations to you all for being so self-righteous! Why don't you try to open your fucking minds so you may realize that I am not you and you are not me which means my life is not your life therefore you should stay out of my business as I stay out of yours. If you still don't get this then let me take you back to where this all started - a ruined relationship because of a third party. In other words, the issue here involves only three people: the couple and the third party. If you're not one of those three people then better shut the hell up because you don't know the entire story. If you think I'm just bitter and couldn't move on, why is that affecting you so much? How is that your problem? Your opinions are definitely unnecessary. Go fuck yourselves instead. And oh, try to avoid exposing yourself to so much heat or sunshine because you'll end up melting and we all know that burnt plastic stinks!

Make sense, right?

Presently, I'm happy everything's working out pretty well for me: a complete family, an improved hubby, a better home, and a new working environment. Contrary to what others believe and insist, it is possible to be genuinely happy even if there's someone you hate at the back of your head.